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Writer's pictureAshley Reanne

Life Is About The Moments Like These

If there is one thing I know to be certain, it is this. Life is a barrage of monotonous, mundane moments. If we don’t choose to grab it by the proverbial reigns from time to time, you will become ambivalent to possibilities. To growth. How do you know your true power if you become complacent with your current position in life?

Have you ever jumped into a saddle, kicked in your heels, and held on like your life depended on it?

There is a level of freedom unlike anything else you’ve ever experienced. You become one with this magnificent beast of an animal. They read your body language, your movements, and they not only meet but exceed expectation. They are always willing to rise to the occasion.

Can you imagine if we approached life in the same fashion? If we approached it with the same fire and strength as a thoroughbred. There is no doubt about it, that thing can kick our ass if we let it. But if we hold firm on those reigns, stay focused and mindful of the destination, no one can stop you.

Life needs those moments. The moments in which we lead with courage, not fear.

Find strength in possibility. Find courage in fear. The most exhilarating moments in life often are the moments we have no control over. Embrace it, and let it drive you forward with a ferocity no one will dare get in the way of.

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